Crafting Digital Experiences

I'm a passionate gameplay programmer skilled in C# and C++. Experienced with Unity and some Unreal Engine. Currently studying game programming at Futuregames to create immersive gaming experiences and innovative game projects.


I was one of two programmers in Nightlight hero a short game made in unity. I was responsible for both debugging and making a tool for interacting with objects.


In this project I made a tool for making pushable objects as well as throwable ones.

My first game


Mobile game

Made a mobile game where I was mostly in charge with interactions, like trigger boxes and the grappling hook.


Soulslike in Unreal Engine

I was in charge of making a checkpoint system that worked like a bonfire, as well as developing a save system.



In all of these projects P4V was used. In every project previously shown I have been the P4V manager

both normal branches and streams have been used in these projects so I am proficient in both